It has been a busy couple of months. Apart from personal issues I have going on in my life, my mother had what seemed to be a brain aneurysm rupture. She is doing well now, but it was a frightening time. My family is very glad she is ok though.
I have been writing more music lately. However, it has not been typical in the style and genre I write in that most music I have written has been worship music or at least Gospel music. The music I have been writing lately, however, has not been. That does not mean it is bad music, but it is simply different. I am considering pursuing my music more in hopes of putting it out and making it known.
I am excited about the Christmas season. It will not be as busy as it normally is for me, but hopefully it will be good. I have some shopping done, but my budget is much tighter this year than usual. It should be a good time with family though, and I am looking forward to it.