Friday, September 21, 2012


I am amazed that our current US executive administration has put the blame for the recent attacks on our embassy on a video that was made by one of our citizens. The video, as irresponsible as it was, was not the cause of the attacks. How dare President Obama not realize that this had a direct link to the anniversary of September 11th and had been in the works for many months?! The video made by the man (who shall remain nameless for his own protection) was irrelevant. And to make matters worse, our current administration finally admits that it was a terror attack but yet spends almost $100,000 to make an apology video for the Middle East. Although the government was not involved in the making of the anti-Islamic video, there is no reason to apologize since the attacks (again) had nothing to do with it! I am ok with letting the Middle East no that our government had nothing to do with it, but to apologize for it is also irresponsible. Besides that, if you’re going to make a statement of separation from the maker of the anti-Islamic video, shouldn’t you also make it very clear that in our country, we believe in freedom of speech? Whether we agree with what someone says or not, each individual has the right to express his or her beliefs in whatever way they would like. For all of this, I say that this has been yet another failure of the Obama administration. Before you begin thinking I’m a far right Republican, Mitt Romney is not much better. Our choice in November is crucial though, and I believe that Romney is the best candidate we have since the establishment was moronic enough not to pick someone like Ron Paul, an excellent libertarian. At least Romney does not apologize for being the USA’s constitutional stances on issues like freedom of speech, and he does not try to appease terrorists. Epic fail, Obama!