Friday, May 10, 2013


It is interesting that Ohio prosecutors are considering also charging Ariel Castro with aggravated murder after already handing him kidnapping and abuse charges. The reason they are considering this is because he caused miscarriages to one of his victims after sexually assaulting her. Why is this interesting? Well, when you consider the fact that abortion is legal, how is it even possible to charge someone with murder for killing an unborn baby? Does this make any sense? I would think not. This is why American laws (not simply this one but many others) do not make sense and tend to lean toward political correctness rather than the protection of the rights and well-being of the people. We should use this as a lesson, a lesson to stand up for having only laws that protect the rights and well-being of people rather than laws based on the moral fiber of a few. When people begin creating laws based on morality, not only will others disagree with those laws, but also the laws created have grey areas and do not make sense, such as in the case with Ariel Castro. Kidnapping charges? Yes. Abuse charges? Absolutely. But murder charges?! Hell no!!!