Wednesday, March 27, 2013


As we approach Easter, I have been thinking quite a bit about Christ’s love and forgiveness and what that truly means not only in my own life but in relation to the lives of others, including those who many feel do not deserve it. I recently saw a Facebook post by Ben Furguson regarding a mass shooter. In the post, he referred to the shooter as “sub-human.” Let me say that I to no, in any way, condone mass shootings. They are wrong. However, for Ben Furguson, someone who claims to be a Christian, to refer to anyone as sub-human, his misunderstanding of Christ’s death on the cross is clear. I recently heard someone say that we do not have a soul, but rather we are a soul and have a body. The simple fact of the matter is that everyone is equally deserving of the fires of hell, and Ben Furguson’s sin is no better than a mass shooter. Neither is mine. Without the forgiveness of Christ, we take equal places in hell. No one gets a better place in hell simply because they lived a slightly better life in human eyes just as no one gets into heaven because of anything they have or have not done. I was horrified by how many people who took the religious status of “Christian” on their pages agreed with Ben Furguson. My view may not be the typical conservative view, but for that I am thankful. My view is Christ’s view. His forgiveness is offered to anyone who will receive it. It is wrong to believe and say that anyone is beyond God’s forgiveness. Even a mass shooter can receive Christ and spend eternity with him if he repents. It is ironic to think that there will be murderers in heaven and people who lived relatively good lives in hell, but this is exactly the case. I do not condone sin, especially murder, and justice should be carried out; but to refer to anyone as sub-human is to make a mockery of Christ’s death on the cross. His forgiveness was not merely for the “best” of sins but also for the “worst” of sins. We must begin to see people as souls no matter the sin they have struggled with or still do struggle with. We are all deserving of hell. Heaven and eternity with Christ are far above anything we could ever deserve, and we are hypocritical to refer to anyone but ourselves as “sub-human.”

Saturday, March 23, 2013


I recently read an article/sermon by John Piper in which he speaks of the end of the age and the importance of living for God in response to its realization. One thing he said struck me though. He mentioned various errors and avoiding them until the end of the "the lawlessness and unbelief and immorality of the last days is a sign of the church's failure." I have heard this statement many times from people, especially pastors. I will not give my opinion as to why I believe it is most definitely an inaccurate statement, but here is what Piper so brilliantly says about the issue:

That is not a biblical statement. I am not saying that at any given time the church might not have more impact on culture if she were more holy and more full of the power of the Holy Spirit. What I am saying is that there are always other factors involved in the corruption of culture so that it is never so simple as to say the failure of the church is the reason the culture is corrupt.

It wrong to say, as so many do, “The condition of society is the report card of the church.” This is especially wrong to say at the end of the age. The apostasy, the rebellion, the lawlessness, the explosion of antichrist at the end of the end is God’s mysterious plan, not the church’s failure. Jesus will not say to his suffering church, as he rescues her from her oppressors, “You know, there would have been no man of lawlessness and great rebellion if you have been a faithful church.” In fact, it is only a strong and pure church that will survive these days, not a failing church.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


The other day I came across a news article saying that the Obama administration is trying to deport a German family. The Romeike family was granted asylum in the USA so that they could legally homeschool their children since it is illegal in Germany, something completely ridiculous but another issue. This is a law dating back to when Hitler outlawed homeschooling in 1938, and it has not been changed ever since. The family moved to Tennessee and settle, grateful for the opportunity that they had, but it was short-lived, as an appeal filed in the homeschooling case reached the Sixth Circuit. And the Obama administration? They now want the family deported back to Germany, and Attorney General, Eric Holder, claims that homeschooling is not a fundamental right.

I take issue with Holder’s and the administration’s claim that homeschooling is not a fundamental right. In fact, not only is it a right, but it is also a God-given responsibility. Biblically it is the parents’ responsibility to educate their children. Therefore, seeing government funded education as nothing but merely a partner in the process is an incorrect and even unbiblical view. If the Obama administration can claim that homeschooling is not a fundamental right, then what the hell is?! Why do we make such a big fuss over homosexual “rights” and healthcare “rights” when the right of parents to educate their own children the way they see fit is much more fundamental than either of those two?!
This troubles me deeply, and I certainly have been no fan of the Obama administration. However, this crosses yet another line, something the administration seems to be doing very well. If we, the people, do not stand against the evil tyranny of not only Democratic politicians but also Republicans, who will? The country lies in our hands, and the direction it is going certainly does not look glorious.

Saturday, March 9, 2013


It is spring break so rather than posting something serious I want to give everyone a laugh. Here is a hilarious video of an epic organ fail while playing the "Hallelujah Chorus" from Handel's Messiah. I think what happened was the organist accidentally pulled out transposing stops, but I am not certain. At any rate, it is stinkin' funny!

Here is yet another epic fail, but this time it is an epic voice crack.

Anyway, these videos are hilarious!

Sunday, March 3, 2013


As spring break approaches, I realize how much it is necessary to me right now. This semester of doctoral (PhD) studies has been extremely intense thanks in part to my own doing. I intend on taking a much lighter load in the future. I have made it this far though so I intend on making it through the rest of the semester. Spring break will be welcome though. I will likely work on a few education-related things such as a paper or two, but I intend to relax and refresh myself, as that will likely last the rest of the semester if I relax correctly, meaning if I truly relax and do not fill up my entire time with busyness. I will likely take a day to see a few friends and go to church, but other than that, my time will be spent relaxing. In light of my recent extreme fatigue though, I intend on seeing a doctor soon to find out what the problem is, if anything. My energy level seems to be very low. I hope it can be corrected because this is no way to live. With that said, this week before spring break will be extremely busy. I intend on working hard in time to play hard. Blessings to you all!