I take issue with Holder’s and the administration’s claim
that homeschooling is not a fundamental right. In fact, not only is it a right,
but it is also a God-given responsibility. Biblically it is the parents’
responsibility to educate their children. Therefore, seeing government funded
education as nothing but merely a partner in the process is an incorrect and
even unbiblical view. If the Obama administration can claim that homeschooling
is not a fundamental right, then what the hell is?! Why do we make such a big
fuss over homosexual “rights” and healthcare “rights” when the right of parents
to educate their own children the way they see fit is much more fundamental
than either of those two?!
This troubles me deeply, and I certainly have been no fan
of the Obama administration. However, this crosses yet another line, something
the administration seems to be doing very well. If we, the people, do not stand
against the evil tyranny of not only Democratic politicians but also
Republicans, who will? The country lies in our hands, and the direction it is
going certainly does not look glorious.