Sunday, April 14, 2013
Recently someone told me that it was sinful not to desire kids of my own because they are biblically considered a blessing from God. This poses a question though: is it required that we should want all blessings God has to offer? Ministers of the gospel are given certain particular blessings that those who are not called to ministry are not given. Does this mean that it is sinful for someone not called to ministry to not desire to be in the gospel ministry? The obvious and resounding answer is, “Absolutely not.” For one to have kids, one should first get married if they want to receive God’s blessings in the most Christ-like manner. This does not negate the fact that kids who are born out of wedlock cannot be blessings. The Bible is clear that all children are blessings. However, it does mean that to honor God in the process of having children, marriage is the first requirement. We must keep in mind, however, that not everyone is called to marriage. In fact, the Bible makes it clear that it is better not to marry. People have a proclivity to make excuses regarding this fact, but it is indeed better not to marry period. Note, however, that not everyone and, in fact, most are not called to a single life. For those who are, nonetheless, does this mean that it is sinful for them not to desire kids? Considering the fact that not all are called to marriage, it implicit that not all are called to have children, and therefore, not all should desire to have children. Even for those who are married, having children is not a requirement, and in many cases, it is not always possible. With that said, we may conclude that it is perfectly OK not to desire children. Therefore, let us not be so arrogant as to say that it is sinful.