Monday, July 8, 2013


Some of you viewed this video I found on the web the other day. It has, in fact, gone viral and rightfully so because it reveals the injustice of our legal system. We may claim to live in the land of the free and the home of the brave, but the truth is that we only live in the home of the brave because our freedoms are rapidly vanishing before our very eyes. I have recently considered the injustice in our legal system, and it causes me to wonder if (like many other government entities) it has become just another big government bureaucracy. Even in the corrections departments, we see this. Drug charges should not receive years and years behind bars; neither should victimless crimes. Yet this is the case. We keep pushing people into the corrections system to create more government jobs and pay people who have not earned it. While there indeed should be corrective actions taken at times, we should not take it to the extremes that we do so often. We lock up more people in the United States than any other country in the world including China and Russia, and for what? It is merely to grow the system of injustice we live in. It is time we take a stand to stop locking and start helping.