Ariel Castro, the infamous Cleveland kidnapper, has been
sentenced to life plus 1,000 years without parole for his crimes. Regarding
this recent sentencing, I recently heard someone say that they hoped he would
rot in hell. I did not respond to this person’s statement, but my immediate
thought (and I am quite glad that it was indeed immediate) was not to hate him
but rather to pray for him. I have definitely spent some time in prayer for
this man who has committed horrific crimes. The fact is that we all make
mistakes, some worse than others. Ariel Castro, however, is no less of a human
being than anyone else. It is easy for people who profess Christ, in the name
of righteousness, to proclaim their hatred for injustice in the world but to do
so through proclaiming hatred of those who carry out injustice. We must
consider that Jesus hates injustice but does not hate those who carry it out,
and if we are to profess his name, we must not hate them either. This man is in
need of prayer and of God’s redeeming love, not hatred by people who do not
even know him. Justice has been served, but he is still a man in need of God. Let
us not make the mistake of thinking that he is beyond redemption, that God’s
love cannot reach him. Let us commit to praying for him and yes, even loving
him rather than hating him. Like us, he is in need of a savior.