Having worked in restaurants, something has bothered me
lately, and that is the skimpy tipping of those who claim to be Christians. I’ve
worked as a delivery driver, which, believe it or not, is supposedly a tipped
position. My experience, however, has been that when I have delivered to
someone with a scripture posted on their house, the tip is usually absent or
very little. It is indeed a sad situation. I know many people in the restaurant
business, and it is always Sundays that are dreaded the most. It is the worst
day for tips and yet the most hectic. Why is this? This should not be. How can
people be stingy with their money when God has been so generous to them? A good
tip does not have to be 50%, but in today’s standards, leave at least 20%.
Personally I would even say leave at least 25%. For delivery drivers, leave at
least $5, and on a large order over $100, leave at least 20%. Let those who
profess to know Christ take a stand, be different, and leave good tips to people
of service. It is the right thing to do.