Saturday, January 26, 2019


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            The recent legislative actions in the state of New York recently have caused me to reflect quite a bit. I have always been a staunch opponent of abortion; the recent, legislation in New York, however, has provided a time and place for me to speak about the topic even more. We, as a society, have already committed the largest mass murder in history. Since Rove vs. Wade (1973), there have been over 61 million abortions.[1] Additionally, since 1980, there have been over 1.5 billion abortions worldwide.[2] History would suggest that the world followed suit to the United States after Roe vs. Wade. We then are the most murderous people who have ever walked this planet. I say “we” because it has been allowed as a society. Even for those of us who hate the murder of babies, we are a part of the people who have allowed it to happen. In Scripture, God condemns those who sacrifice children to Molech (Lev 20:2). In the same way, a day of reckoning is coming for all of us regarding abortion. The question will be asked of what we did about it. I, for one, do not want to be someone who did nothing. Thus, considering the recent New York legislation, I will respond to two groups: 1) advocates of abortion and 2) Christians.

To Abortion Advocates

            To abortion advocates, I have five responses revolving around the absolute wrongness of abortion.

Statistics Show That the Overwhelming Majority of Abortions Are Performed Purely out of Convenience

            When Roe vs. Wade occurred and the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that abortion is constitutional, much of today’s medical technology was nonexistent. Therefore, people could not know what is known now about a baby’s course of development inside the womb of his or her mother. By 8 weeks in a mother’s womb, there is a heartbeat, fully functioning organs, and a fingerprint;[3] moreover, recent studies reveal that babies recoil from pain.[4] At 21 weeks, a baby can survive outside the womb with help.[5] Studies reveal that the overwhelming majority of abortions occur not because of life-threatening situations but purely out of convenience, 92-95%, in fact.[6] 3% of abortions are said to be for health concerns;[7] yet, health is not defined. The argumentation suggests that situations of horrific rape, incest, and the mother’s life are reasons for abortion. The problem with such an argument, however, is that those situations are extremely rare: less than 1% in some studies. All of this means that abortions are usually (not rarely) performed purely out of convenience. Thus, the health argument does not work. Convenience is no reason to terminate a human life, for all life is sacred.

Abortion Advocacy Language Has Changed Since Roe vs. Wade

            My second argument to advocates of abortion is that the language surrounding abortion has drastically changed since Roe vs. Wade primarily because of advanced research and medical technology. We are beginning to see people speak of a baby in the womb as a fetus less because people understand that what is inside the mother is a human life. Mary Elizabeth Williams, a staunch proponent of abortion, says, “I know that throughout my own pregnancies, I never wavered for a moment in the belief that I was carrying a human life inside of me. I believe that's what a fetus is: a human life. And that doesn't make me one iota less solidly pro-choice.”[8] She then goes on to say that not all life is equal.[9] Abortion rights advocates are now acknowledging that what is inside a mother’s womb is a human life but continue to support his or her termination.

The development of a baby, which I have already referenced, should be evidence enough that there exists a human life during pregnancy. Sadly, however, it is not for many in our society including those to whom I am addressing right now. If there is, in fact, a human life inside a pregnant woman (we have already established that there is, and science supports this notion), then it is not only the woman’s body at stake; it is the baby’s as well. That is how reproduction works: someone must carry the other life. None of us designed this; God did. Men are not able to get pregnant so the argument that only women should decide this matter is unequivocally false. What if the father of the baby wants to keep him or her but the mother does not? Does he not get a say in the matter, as he should? Another human life exists inside the mother who is carrying the baby. This is not a woman issue; this is a moral issue. If we are not going to waver from the fact that there is a baby inside of the woman, terminating that life is murder. If one disagrees that what is inside the woman is a human life, that person effectively ignores science and even other advocates of abortion. What is happening right now blatant an unapologetic murder. This is not a Christian issue but a life issue. We must be on the correct side and currently are not.

There Is Absolutely No Health-Related Reason to Have an Abortion, Particularly During the Third Trimester

            The vast majority of doctors will openly admit that there is absolutely no health-related reason to have an abortion, particularly a late-term abortion. Dr. Lawrence K. Koning, OB/GYN for over 30 years, says that “there is no medical situation where the doctor must kill the child to save the mother… Just deliver the baby by C-section…”[10] Dr. Omar L. Hamada, OB/GYN who has delivered over 2,500 babies, says, “I want to clear something up so that there is absolutely no doubt… I’m a Board-Certified OB/GYN who has delivered over 2,500 babies. There’s not a single fetal or maternal condition that requires third trimester abortion. Not one. Delivery, yes. Abortion, no.”[11] Furthermore, Dr. David McKnight, OB/GYN for over 30 years, says, “I need to say publicly and unequivocally, that there is never a medical reason to kill a baby at term. When complications of pregnancy endanger a mother’s life, we sometimes must deliver the baby early, but it is always with the intent of doing whatever we can to do it safely for the baby too…. God help us.”[12] The people presenting these similar confessions are not idiots; they are not uneducated and certainly not making claims about which they know nothing. These are practicing doctors who deal with pregnancies and deliveries on a consistent basis. With current medical technology, I personally cannot think of one health-related reason to abort a baby at all, much less in the third trimester; yet, I find these experts in agreement with my thoughts. Why would we trust those who advocate for abortion making false claims about which they know nothing over practicing physicians who speak truth based upon experience and knowledge? Abortion is never necessary. There are always alternatives.

Scripture Does Not Differentiate between a Baby in or out of the Womb

            Since I am now responding to advocates of abortion, I have purposely refrained till now from using biblical support. I will, however, do so at this moment. The previous three sub-responses should be enough for convincing; yet, I believe it is not. Scripture does not differentiate between a baby in or out of the womb of his or her mother. I say this both to advocates of abortion who do not practice Christianity and to those who profess to be Christians. Particularly those who profess to be Christians, heed this biblical support.

            In the Christmas narrative, Luke tells us that when Mary visited Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist, the baby “leaped in her womb” (Luke 1:41). In the next chapter, Luke also refers to Jesus lying in a manger as a baby (Luke 2:16). The Greek word in both selections is brephos, i.e. there is no distinction between John inside of Elizabeth and Jesus outside the womb lying in a manger. Furthermore, David confesses, “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb” (Ps 139:13). As a believer in God’s complete sovereignty, it is apparent that God is involved in even the smallest details of every single aspect of this universe. My argument here is that life is sacred. Even without a religious context, we should believe that life is sacred. If life is sacred then, life inside the womb is sacred. Scripture does not differentiate between a baby in or out of the womb; nor should we.

Then What Are My Options?

            Advocates of abortion might then inquire about what options there are for pregnant women in terrible situations if abortion is not an option. I will respond to Christians next, which will help answer that inquiry; for now, however, let me present a few possibilities, most of which abortion advocates have probably already heard and considered.

First, adoption is possible. There are many people who cannot have babies and would love to adopt. You can partner with adoption agencies and select one that will care for the child. Second, if there is a health concern, consider an early C-section. A doctor would let you know if this needs to be performed anyway so listen to his or her medical expertise. Lastly, I would ask if you are considering an abortion because of convenience. Think reasonably about your situation. Are you considering abortion because you will not be able to finish school with a baby, because you do not make enough money, or because the baby could have a defect? Those are convenience reasons in which case abortion is unnecessary. Help exists; seek it. I would also encourage you to examine my response to the church.

To Christians

            The second part of my response on abortion is to Christians. We must speak up but in the proper context, as informed opposers, and in a loving manner, which means speaking up in any way possible, e.g. verbally, on social media, and in ways that secure action such as contacting and speaking with legislators. I follow abortion legislation as much as possible and only see a few federal legislators doing anything at all about abortion; these are probably legislators that most Christians would not expect because the ones they would expect are doing little to nothing about abortion. I firmly believe that abortion is the most vital topic in out society; most other issues are secondary. I certainly have opinions on issues such as healthcare, the border, and education; these, however, are not as important as abortion, which is the one issues on which I plant my flag. We must never waver from a position of absolutely wrongness in murdering babies. Here then is my response to Christians in how we should handle the situation.

We Must Love Advocates of Abortion

            We must love all people including advocates of abortion. Advocates receive enough hate from people who do not represent Christ well. Loving them then means not only in word but also in deed. If we, as the church, reveal hatred in anyway, we have effectively squandered the opportunity God has given us to love our neighbors. What abortion advocates support is absolute sin; yet, we cannot expect non-believers to act like believers. If humanity is radically depraved by nature, those who do not have a relationship with Christ will continue to act radically depraved. We must love abortion advocates. Nothing bad can come from love.

We Must Help Pregnant Women in Helpless Situations

We must be prepared to help pregnant women who are in less than ideal situations. Whether one is considering abortion for health or convenience reasons, once we voice our firm belief that life is sacred, we cannot leave them helpless. We must be soldiers of the Lord (2 Tim 2:3) by providing babysitting, shelters, medical care, helping with bills, etc. If we do not act in this manner, we only offer lip service. We should be pro life but also pro help, for that is what we are called to as the church. Out of our love for God flows love for all people including unborn babies and their mothers. I would dare suggest that most churches offer no help to helpless pregnant women. Be prepared to speak up and to help.

We Must Not Think That Advocates of Abortion Are Any More Sinful Than We

            As horrible as abortion is, we should not think that advocates of and participants in abortion are any more sinful than we. All of humanity is equally depraved. We should not expect a society that does not follow Christ to make Christlike decisions. I expect abortion because I expect evil; we too are radically depraved and prone to such decisions apart from Christ. When we consider ourselves better than those who advocate for abortion, we do not love them but rather begin to show animosity toward them. That is not how Christ would respond. Understand that their sin is on the same plane as any sin we too have committed. Do not judge but help, love, and praise God for his grace.

Do Not Use Personal Experience to Fight Abortion

            I also respond to Christians by requesting that we stop using personal experience to fight abortion. There are situations in which such a tactic may work when the person or people to whom one is speaking can relate. Often, however, people cannot relate to personal experiences. It might seem as if arguing against abortion on the basis that one has a child whom they love works; yet, it often does not. Many advocates of abortion have been placed in unexpected situations and do not have a loving spouse nor a life as great as what others may seemingly have. Thus, speaking of opposition to abortion on the basis that one has a child and could not bear to see him or her killed could be salting a wound. Moreover, if one claims that having a child has shifted their perspective on abortion in any way (even if they already opposed abortion before), it causes that person’s argument to seem illegitimate. Abortion is wrong irrespective or whether one has a child. If it takes a personal experience for one’s opinion to arrive where it is now, why would someone in a different situation listen to that person? It seems, in such a case, that one is arguing based upon personal experience rather than objective truth. I would not suggest completely dismissing personal experience but limiting those conversations to only people who might more readily understand. I think arguments based on objective truth go further in the fight against abortion.

If Life Is Sacred, All Life Is Sacred So Act Like It

            Finally, in my response to Christians, consider this: if life is sacred, all life is sacred so act like it. I imply social justice here. The life of one inside the womb is just as sacred as those outside the womb including the worst of the worst such as robbers and terrorists. Recently I saw a social media post absolutely shredding abortion and then immediately after laughing at and praising the fact that a store robber was shot to death by every person in the store who was carrying a gun. Certainly, we should celebrate justice; nonetheless, that is not what was happening here. I also recently heard a popular political commentator suggest that a terrorist is subhuman. Brothers and sisters, if we look at some people as subhuman and their lives as less sacred than others, we too fail in the endeavor and fight against abortion. God takes no pleasure in the death of anyone including the wicked (Ezek 33:11). We should realize, as Christians, how desperate the situation is right now and place the fight against abortion as a top priority, even above the secondary issues facing our society right now; yet, we must also stop living in apathy to injustice. By that, I am saying that we should act and help those in need. This will only happen if we consider all life sacred. When a terrorist is killed, rejoice in served justice but mourn that someone has died and likely without knowing Christ, which is horrible. All life is sacred so we should act like it lest we negate our argument against abortion.

My Exhortation

            My final exhortation here, in response to the topic of abortion, is to understand that abortion is wrong, understand that people are wicked by nature and prone to evil, and understand that we, as Christians, must love those who are in situations they did not expect. Take action rather than simply giving lip service. Take action not just by speaking up against abortion but by helping those who are considering it. Finally, be encouraged that this world is not our home. We have been placed here with a mission. God has first called us to himself and to his church; all functions then are derived from that. We live in a world where God is working but simultaneously realize that we have not yet arrived. It is a world between God’s plan of his own glory and our final destination where every knee will bow, and tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. When we see and hear of evil, we should take heart because this is not the end; something better is coming. Until then, however, we should live life with the joy of the Lord abundantly evident in our lives, love as Christ has loved, serve as Christ has served, and speak up for those who cannot speak. Do not be discouraged, people of God. Fight against abortion while living with joy, for a greater shout is coming than those echoed in the chambers of New York legislation!

[1][1] “Number of Abortions,” Abortion Counters, accessed January 26, 2019,
[2] Ibid.
[3] “Fetal Development: Stages of Growth,” Cleveland Clinic (September 9, 2014),accessed January 26, 2019,
[4] Matt Chandler, “Matt Chandler on Abortion,” accessed January 26, 2019,
[5] Ibid.
[6] Torres and Forrest, as cited by Physicians for Reproductive Choice and Health and the Alan Guttmacher Institute in An Overview of Abortion in the United States (2001).
[7] Ibid.
[8] Mary Elizabeth Williams, “So What if Abortion Ends Life?,” Salon (January 23, 2013), accessed January 26, 2019,
[9] Ibid.
[10] “What This Doctor Says about Danger-to-Mother Claims to Justify Late-Term Abortions,” Black Community News (October 25, 2016), accessed January 26, 2019,
[11] Douglas C. Golden, “OB/GYN Who Delivered over 2,500 Babies Blows Lid off NY Abortion Law: ‘I Want to Clear Something Up,” Conservative Tribune by Western Journal (January 25, 2019), accessed January 26, 2019,
[12] Carole Novielli, “Medical Practitioners Speak out Against ‘Pure Evil’ New York Abortion Law,” Live Action (January 25, 2019), accessed January 26, 2019,