Mental health is an issue that needs to be brought to the surface of all other issues in our society. The stigma that goes along with a mental illness can be life-changing and humiliating. Speaking as someone with bipolar disorder, I know this for a fact. There are, however, a few things we must keep in mind when dealing with and thinking about mental illnesses.
First of all, someone with a mental illness is not necessarily crazy, and even if they are, they cannot help it so stop judging them! They did not go out searching for a mental illness. It is caused by a chemical imbalance. The fact is that more people have mental illnesses than even realize it, and although many are able to cope with it, most need medication. With medication, they are fine; it is no big deal.
Secondly, people with mental illnesses should not be embarrassed by it just as someone with cancer should not be embarrassed by it. Acknowledging the issue is the first step in getting help. It is nothing to be embarrassed about, and people who judge because of it likely have worse issues than the people they are judging.
Thirdly, we must realize that help is available in many forms for people with mental illness. Some may require more extreme help such as institutionalization, but even that (as mentioned previously) is nothing to be embarrassed about. Help is available to seek it and use it.
Lastly, people with mental illness need support. Without support, they cannot effectively get better. I would dare say that we all know someone with a mental illness. We must let them know that we are on their side, not judge them, not isolate them, and strive to help and support them. Let us strive to do this, and the world will be a better place.