Saturday, June 29, 2013


I was reminded a few days ago how difficult it is to be merciful at times. We can easily see the lack of mercy in other people, but how often do we neglect to see it in ourselves? I would dare say that this happens more often than we realize. I am thankful that the experiences I have been through in my life have made me a much more merciful person, but there is still room for more. The fact is that the more we become like Christ, the more merciful we become, and while I am not there yet (and won’t be till I am with Christ in heaven), mercy is becoming more evident in my life. The acid test of mercy exuded from our lives is whether or not we can truly love someone even after they have wronged or angered us in any way. When we consider the mercy of God, we must realize that he had mercy on us when we did not deserve it. Therefore, mercy is not dependent on whether or not one deserves it but rather on us giving it, deserving or not. We should examine ourselves and ask if we are truly merciful more can be done. I would submit that the second is true. Let us be merciful because our God is merciful.