Friday, September 6, 2013


It recently occurred to me that the church is advocating Jesus + something else even without realizing it. Obviously many churches teach Jesus + something else through the prosperity gospel and things of that nature, but what I am referring to is small groups, often called community. It is as if the church is advocating that Jesus is not enough; therefore, we need community. I do not deny that community among believers is important, but to make it seem as if one is wrong and living in sin for not finding community among believers is equally as disturbing as any other false gospel in existence today. Either Jesus is enough, or he is not. We should present community among believers as something that helps us but not as something that is sinful if we do not take part in it. It is indeed sad that we have come to the point where we take something intended for good (small group community) and treat it as if it is a biblical command. It is not. Let us get it through our thick skulls that Jesus + nothing = everything.