Monday, November 9, 2015

How Christians Should View Socialism

How Christians Should View Socialism
            Bernie Sanders has certainly taken the country by surprise during this election cycle. He is a self-professed socialist and makes no apologies for it. Seeing the rise of socialist views in our country, many Christians often criticize it as ungodly or sinful. This has caused me to consider how Christians ought to think about and view socialism. In doing so, I have a few things to point out.
1. Socialism is not sin in and of itself. In fact, the Bible does not advocate for any particular form of government. This means that it is not explicitly forbidden in scripture. Saying that socialism is fundamentally sinful is like saying that drinking alcohol is also fundamentally sinful. Neither one is prohibited in scripture.
2. Socialism lies on the negative side of history. There have been numerous socialist governments in our world’s history and still are some. Most of them have seen a terrible demise. When people make large decisions, they often look to history to see how things have previously turned out for something similar. If this is the case, why aren’t people doing this with socialism as well? It has not worked very well.
    3. Christians can get along with socialists. Again socialism is not explicitly prohibited, but there are biblical principles that seem to point in another direction. However, simply because someone is a socialist does not mean they are an idiot or not worthy to love and respect. We are called to love and respect everyone no matter what their views may be.
    4. Christians have a responsibility to be involved in the political process. This does not necessarily mean running for office, but it could. All believers have a responsibility to be involved though so if socialism seems like a bad idea, believers should stand up for what is right and logically and thoughtfully present their argument. While socialism is likely not a good idea, how can we convince others that it is not good? This is a responsibility we have.
We are called to live in this world. This world is not our home, and it is not our final resting place. Therefore, although we are involved in the workings of this world, we are not part of it. The things we fight for the most are the things most important to us. If that is whether or not to be a socialist country, that is what is most important to you. Consider this though: is it worth it? God seeks justice in the world, and if socialism isn’t a threat to justice, we should be making a bigger deal out of other things rather than socialism. I will openly tell people that I disagree with socialism, but it is because of my belief in limited government, not because it is explicitly forbidden in scripture (it is not). In matters like these, we must tread carefully and seek to glorify God in our arguments and our stances. If it will ruin others’ perception of you as a follower of Christ, it is not worth it and you should stay out of it. His glory has precedent over everything. This is the grid through which we should see everything including politics.