Is Gospel Persecution
has been a lot of uproar over Starbucks changing their cups. To be honest, it
is just a red cup so why get in a big fuss about it? Of course, I suppose I am
now one of the crazy ones who is blogging about it. I posed a question
yesterday though. What is going to happen when Christians truly face
persecution? Will we remember this ridiculous moment many referred to coffee
cups as religious persecution? I would like to focus my time on Christian
persecution though. Certainly religious persecution exists in our world,
perhaps to an even greater degree than most Americans realize. However, a day
is coming when the global Christian community will truly be persecuted. In
fact, it is already happening and will only increase. Take joy in this though
because it is suffering that marks us as Christians. In considering this, I
would like to examine what gospel persecution is. I have a few things I believe
gospel persecution is.
1. Gospel persecution is for the sake of
Christ. We are called to share in the sufferings of Christ.
Therefore, gospel persecution is for his sake, not our own. We do not go out
seeking to be persecuted, but it naturally comes as we live for and honor
Christ. It is for his sake.
2. Gospel persecution is not because of
our own stupidity. Do not mistake persecution for the sake of
Christ with consequences of stupidity. I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not
perfect and often face consequences of my stupidity. Gospel persecution is what
we are called to though, not consequences of stupidity or sin. However, even in
our consequences, there is a proper way to honor God, and through that calling,
we may very well face persecution. Persecution is guaranteed for those who
honor Christ.
3. Gospel persecution is difficult. This
might be a given, but there are those that would refer to some things as
persecution that really isn’t. “Oh, someone made fun of me the other day because
I’m a Christian.” Really? That’s persecution? No, persecution is truly
difficult. I do not belittle the smaller items of persecution, but the more we
honor Christ, the more difficult persecution will likely become. If we are not
facing any persecution at all or if persecution in our lives is not increasing,
we may want to ask ourselves if we are honoring God with our lives. Take joy in
the difficulties of persecution because that is evidence of Christ’s work in
your life.
4. Gospel persecution is honorable. The
bible honors those who are persecuted, particularly those who are martyred for
the sake of Christ. We too must honor those who are persecuted. When God’s
people are persecuted, the church as a family should honor her global members,
pray for them, encourage them, and help them in any way possible. Certainly
there are those persecuted that we will never know about, but we absolutely
know they exist so let’s honor them.
5. Gospel persecution is joyful. Yes,
I said it. Persecution is joyful. How? Scripture says that Christ endured the
cross for the joy set before him. The joyful part of persecution then is the
glory and radiance of Christ. It far surpasses any trial we may face. When we
have the joy of Christ, nothing can shake it. Knowing that our sufferings are
for the sake of Christ should bring us great joy. Persecution is joyful.
These are the thoughts I
have on gospel persecution. Let’s suffer well for the sake of Christ and for
the glory of his name. It is an honor to be persecuted for him.