Saturday, September 21, 2013


            Americans, likely more than other people in the world, know about soldiers. We are proud of our soldiers; we love our soldiers; and we dignify our soldiers. Paul speaks to Timothy about being a soldier of the Lord in 2 Timothy 2:1-13, and in this passage, he presents two unique aspects about a good soldier that we should consider.
2 Timothy 2:1-13

English Standard Version (ESV)

A Good Soldier of Christ Jesus

2 You then, my child, be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus, and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men[a] who will be able to teach others also. Share in suffering as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. No soldier gets entangled in civilian pursuits, since his aim is to please the one who enlisted him. An athlete is not crowned unless he competes according to the rules. It is the hard-working farmer who ought to have the first share of the crops. Think over what I say, for the Lord will give you understanding in everything.

Remember Jesus Christ, risen from the dead, the offspring of David, as preached in my gospel, for which I am suffering, bound with chains as a criminal. But the word of God is not bound! 10 Therefore I endure everything for the sake of the elect, that they also may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory. 11 The saying is trustworthy, for:
If we have died with him, we will also live with him;

12 if we endure, we will also reign with him;
if we deny him, he also will deny us;
13 if we are faithless, he remains faithful—

for he cannot deny himself.

A Good Soldier Suffers for His Enlister (vv. 1-7)
            Why are good soldiers willing to sacrifice their bodies and indeed their very lives? Why are they willing to endure pain? A good soldier suffers with dignity and pride for his enlister. For Americans, the enlister is the United States of America and the freedom that comes with being an American. This is what a good soldier is willing to suffer for. As Christians, our call is even higher though. We must not only be willing to suffer for Christ, but we must, in fact, suffer. The mark of a Christian is suffering. If we are not suffering, we are not living the life that God has intended for us. The enlister is Jesus Christ, and as Paul says, a good soldier’s aim is to please his enlister. It is not to please self. Paul tells us that we are to share in suffering. Suffering does not belong only to Jesus Christ, but as fellow believers, we are to share in his suffering. Let us examine ourselves and our suffering.
A Good Soldier Always Remembers What He Is Fighting For (vv. 8-13)
            A good soldier never forgets what he is fighting for and why he has enlisted in the first place. For the believer, we exist for the glory of God, and we must be found so much in Christ that what he does and what we do is one in the same. We move to his rhythm; he does not move to ours. Paul gives a warning when he says that if we deny Christ, he will also deny us because he cannot deny himself. His glory is so far above our comfort and well-being that he is willing to part ways with us if we deny him. Our memory must always be upon Christ. He must be our constant focus.
            Paul gives us two unique aspects of a good soldier, unique in the fact that if we these characteristics do not describe a believer, he or she is not a good soldier of the Lord. May our eyes be fixed on the Lord Jesus Christ, and may we be soldiers of his army.