Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Ministerial Training: To Learn or Not to Learn?

Ministerial Training: To Learn or Not to Learn?

To learn or not to learn? That is the question. Or is it? Perhaps the question should be quite different. By “learning,” most people mean formal training. The question then should be, “To go to school or not go to school?” This might not be as black and white as it seems though. There are many instances where God clearly leads one serving in the gospel ministry to pursue formal training. This is not always the case though. Each person is different, and so is each calling. I would like to explore this question and, in answering it, I want to provide some thoughts.

Christians Should Strive to Always Learn

            As believers, we should always be learning. This is true for all humans. If we are not moving forward, we are moving backward. There is no maintaining. Part of loving God with our heart, soul, mind, and strength and doing all to the glory of God is continuously learning. Look for all opportunities to learn. The trouble with learning is that often is requires work and many times hard work. This is why most people do not want to learn. We should take every available opportunity to learn though, particularly those of us who are leaders in the local church.

Formal Education Is Not Always Necessary

            Learning does not constitute formal education though. While some churches may have a standard of some type of formal training, it is not absolutely necessary for the broad spectrum of serving God. The truth is that we should do what God leads us to do and learn in the ways he sets in front of us, but to pursue formal training when he is perhaps leading us in another direction is nothing other than sin.

Sometimes Formal Education Is Necessary

            Having said that formal education is not always necessary, there are times when it is. There are particular fields that require a certain type and level of education. Christians should determine what the Lord is leading them to do and pursue the educational requirements of that field. Even in more specific circumstances such as ministry positions in a particular church, sometimes specific training is required. There are churches, for example, that require their pastor to hold a Master of Divinity or their worship pastor to hold a bachelor’s or master’s degree in music or worship. This does not necessarily mean that these churches are wrong (although it could if the Lord desires someone without those particular credentials to serve there); it does mean, however, that the person(s) God desires to serve there should seek that kind of training.

There Is Not a “Cookie Cutter” Ministerial Training

            We often have an idea that there is a single path all ministers take and then end up in varying roles. This is ludicrous and illogical though. To think that all pastors should possess a Master of Divinity or any type of degree at all with the same training as other pastors is to say that God has not uniquely called individuals to a particular place and time. Just as all people are different, all churches and ministries are different and should embrace those differences might I add. Therefore, training for ministry should not look the same. Not only that, but we should consider experiences as training from God himself. We learn better through experiences than we do through formal education. God has uniquely qualified his called people for a specific time and place.

Walk by the Spirit

            In all of our worldly pursuits and strivings to give undeserved credit to humankind, we must be careful that we never lose sight of the fact that we are people who are to walk by the faith and not by sight; we are to walk by the Spirit. Just as God’s Spirit might lead someone to pursue a seminary master’s or doctorate, he might also lead someone specifically to not do so. He also might lead someone else to pursue a law degree yet become a pastor. I once heard someone say that God does not call the qualified, but he qualifies the called. When we are led by the Spirit, we cannot go wrong because God is with us at all times. Trust him.


            The conclusion of the matter is this: trust God and lean not on your own understanding. Sounds familiar doesn’t it? There is a reason Proverbs 3:5 tells us to do this. When we rely on our own understanding, we will fail. It is always a guarantee. But with God, we will never fail. Even when it seems that we are failing, we are not, and it is, in fact, during those times that we must continue to trust him. Whatever training God has in store for his chosen ones, we must all trust his leadership and follow him.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Stop Using Scripture and Christian Morality to Justify Your Unbiblical Point of View

Stop Using Scripture and Christian Morality to Justify Your Unbiblical Point of View

            With various social issues in our culture, we seem to be confused. We often say that there are two sides to each coin, but in our culture, we seem to have more than that at times. This is why it is very difficult for Christians to rebuke sin. We are certainly called to do so, but not only do our rebukes often contradict cultural norms, they often contradict the teachings of other Christians. This should not be the case. Believers should be unified in their approach and in their biblical world view. I do not dismiss the fact that there can be differences in interpretations of secondary issues, but in primary issues, we must be unified. One of those primary issues is the fact that sin is sin when clearly spelled out in scripture. We cannot justify sin period. I could point to many sin issues in our culture to give examples, but it is likely very easy to think of some on the spot yourself. What makes these issues so complicated to some is that often scripture and Christian morality is used to justify unbiblical points of view. On social media, we see many who may even profess to be Christians (but in no way live like that) using scripture to justify their sin or their points of view. Why would one use a book they don’t even follow to justify their stance? Perhaps even they, deep down, realize that morality is based on the word of God. Whatever the case, it needs to stop.

            Christians are often caught up in this trap as well but almost in another way. Many professing Christians use the Bible to justify the corrupt or sinful behavior of others in the name of loving them. The truth, however, is that if we do not rebuke sin, we are not loving them. I, for one, know of sin’s stronghold and how easy it is to justify sin on our own merits without it holding up under God’s holiness. Sin is sin period and should be seen as hated by God no matter how much we desire it, and let’s be honest; we all are not only tempted by sin but we often love it. In fact, when we sin, we are saying that we love it more than God, and we need God to work in our hearts and lives, convict us, and bring us to a point of repentance where we do not make excuses but seek to live in holiness.

            Often people using the Bible and Christian morality to justify sin are not even Christians themselves. Whether the issue is homosexuality, abortion, racism, or anything else, the Bible is clear that sin is sin and dishonors God no matter how we feel about it. If we are going to live by the word of God, we cannot justify sin, and when we make mistakes (which will happen), we should immediately repent and turn from it. The point is this. Stop using the Bible to justify actions and behaviors that are already against the Bible. It is not only a contradiction, but it is a lie. We can say Jesus calls us to love everyone including sinners, which is true, but it is only a half truth, for Jesus also said to go and sin no more. Loving people does not mean neglecting sin. It does not work. So to people who seem to blame Christians for all the world’s trouble, stop; to people who are not Christians but seem to be OK with using the Bible to justify your position, stop; to people who are Christians but neglect sin in your life and in the lives of others, stop; and to people who absolutely do not care about anything going on in our culture, stop. God is still at work, and he is still in control. One day every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that he is Lord to the glory of God the Father. I just hope and pray that those who bow and confess do so before that day as well. Be holy, for he is holy. Amen.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Mission Romania

Mission Romania

            November 22-30 of 2015 I traveled to Sighisoara, Romania on a mission trip with the primary purpose being to lead worship, preach, and train local worship leaders in the area. I began the trip leaving from Lubbock, TX on Sunday afternoon, November 22 and then flew to Houston. After a very short layover, my flight then took me to Frankfurt, Germany, and again after another short layover and walking through the airport for nearly an hour and a half to get to the correct corridor, I flew to Bucharest, Romania. I took a day to see that city and saw some amazing sights. The beauty of the architecture and culture was incredible. However, the effects of communism were made very apparent as well.

            After a day of seeing the city, on Tuesday Pastor Sabin Boruga drove me about 4 ½ hours to Sighisoara, the birthplace of Prince Vlad Dracula. While Bucharest is a city of nearly 5-million people, Sighisoara is much smaller at only 35-thousand. Romania is one of the poorest countries in Europe. Sighisoara is in the north-central part of the country in a geographic region called Transylvania. It is a beautiful city exhibiting the characteristics of a classic little European town that many people would picture. Many cities have a Citadel or a fortress atop a hill, which would have been common in Medieval times. Sighisoara is no different, although it has obviously expanded outside those walls. In general, Europe is technologically advanced. Internet speeds, for example, are much faster yet much less expensive than in the United States. In Eastern European countries like Romania, it is common for younger people to speak English. However, older people usually do not, mainly because they lived for the majority of their lives during a time when they could only speak Romanian. Pastor Sabin speaks five languages himself. Being just a little older than me, he was very young during the Revolution and barely remembers the fall of communism. This is all made evident in Sighisoara.

            Pastor Sabin Boruga is Romanian by birth but speaks excellent English. His wife is of German descent and also speaks English. I met Sabin while he was a youth pastor at a local church in my father’s Baptist association while he was attending seminary, and we have kept in touch since then and long spoken of doing a trip like this. Well, it finally happened. Sabin and his brother have planted six churches since the early 2000s in Sighisoara, and his brother just planted a Romanian speaking church in Germany. Sabin pastors one congregation but is the overseer of all six and uses lay-members and other church leaders to fulfill the role of pastoring the smaller churches in the villages. Many of the buildings he built with the help of others from the ground up. These churches are in villages outside the city of Sighisoara, and many of the people Sabin pastors are Gypsies.

            I spent Wednesday morning visiting with some families in Pastor Sabin’s churches. It was a wonderful experience getting to meet several people and pray with them. Most of them are very poor. Gypsy people used to live in the area but moved away, and after the Revolution and the fall of a Romanian dictator in 1989, they began moving back. The community Sabin lives in is a Gypsy community. They are people that have traditionally been known as thieves and outcasts with no place to go. They know him here as the pastor to the Gypsy people. These are people that no one else will love, but Sabin feels called to them and they welcome him with open arms. I then took Wednesday night to tour Dracula’s castle since it is so close. Vlad Dracula was a prince who was captured and tortured by the Turks in the 15th-century, but later when he took power again, he used what he learned in their torture methods against them. The legend of him being a vampire comes from a 19th-century novel. When Vlad died, his body was never found so Bram Stoker wrote a novel based on his character about what happened to him, namely becoming a vampire. His real name is Vlad, and he is known as Vlad the Impaler for how he eventually killed the Turks. Dracula means “son of the Devil.” Seeing this castle where he spent much of time was a great experience. On the way back, we stopped in Brasov, which has a bid to be the European Capital of Culture in 2021.

            Romania has only in the past few years become part of the European Union, which requires certain things to be in place eventually, one of which is being on the Euro. Right now Romania uses their own currency called the Lei. They hope to be on the Euro by 2018. Another requirement is that their official business language has to be English, which should not be a problem for them. Countries in Europe tend to be more like states in the United States. There are largely open borders once you are on the continent, and you can travel freely between those borders. They will still give you the gift of a passport stamp, but the European Union is quickly becoming one large government in and of itself.

            Thursday I spent the day visiting the village churches. Every church had a hand-built brick oven they used to bake bread for the poor people of the village. Sabin’s parents owned a bakery when he was growing up so he was very good at it. Some of the churches also contained a soup kitchen where they fed Gypsy children during the day. The work of the church being the hands and feet of Christ was obvious in these ministries. The entire purpose of these ministries though is to present the gospel message of Christ, for any good work that does not point to the gospel exercise futility. All that is done must be done to preach the gospel. That afternoon Sabin asked if I could go to his mother-in-law’s house and play and sing for her. She is dying of cancer so I told him absolutely. I had never met the woman till that moment, but seeing her sing and lift her hands while lying on her bed was very moving to me. I then led worship at Sabin’s main church Thursday night. With a congregation of about 30 people, we sang and worshiped. I gave a very short message, but most of the night was spent singing praises. I did mostly hymns since they were the most familiar, and it was great to hear them singing these hymns in their heart language of Romanian. They were very appreciative of me being there.

            Friday I went to the city of Sibiu with Sabin to visit a man from his congregation who is in the hospital with broken legs from an accident. He again appreciated me seeing him and praying with him. I then took about an hour to see some of the sights of the city including some incredible cathedrals. The primary religion in Romania is Greek Orthodox, simply called Romanian Orthodox because of the country it is established in. It is a state religion, and the priests are paid by the government. This means that they adhere to what the government wants. Most people in Romania claim to be Orthodox, but very few of them actually practice. Other denominations that exist are Catholic, Lutheran (referred to simply as Evangelical), and Baptist. Sabin’s churches are Baptist.

            Friday night I led worship for a group of college students. They spoke English so I did newer songs in English and then preached but with Sabin translating, and they very much enjoyed it.

            Saturday I woke up early to see the Citadel in Sighisoara. It was wonderful seeing the Medieval walls of the city. I walked up to the Citadel, the highest point in the city and saw some incredible churches and was even able to spend some time in the city clock tower, one of the highest points in the city. The view was unmatched. I then spent the rest of the day Saturday training local worship leaders. There was a mix of old and young, people who liked contemporary music and people who only liked hymns, and people who read music and people who played by ear, and they all spoke English so I did not need a translator. Bridging the gap and training such a vast group is often a challenge, but that is why I came. I first gave some spiritual training and talk about Christian worship being Christocentric. Then I gave some helpful tips for worship leaders such as how to introduce new songs and how to use the planning process as spiritual formation. Then I gave some practical training musically. My hope and prayer is that these leaders not only become better worship leaders through this training but that they also become better worshipers.

            Sunday I led worship and preached in three different churches, the last one being Sabin’s main church in Sighisoara. I spoke of Christ as High Priest in all three services and how that should transform the way we worship. It was wonderful to see Romanian people worshiping and eagerly listening to what the Lord was saying to them. These are the local Christians, the light in a dark place for Sighisoara. I was honored to have the opportunity to work with and minister to them. In fact, I think they ministered to me just as much if not more. Throughout the week the Lord was speaking to me about not only Christocentric worship but since worship is Christocentric, living a more Christocentric life. In other words, every action and decision in our lives should have Christ at the center. I was also reminded to always trust the Holy Spirit. In a culture where everything is much more laidback and relaxed than I am used to, it was difficult to not be prepared at times. I was prepared, but I personally like being ready for things much in advance. There were times, however, when I had to scrap my plans and simply rely on the leadership of the Holy Spirit. Honestly that is a good place to be. God is in control anyway so his way goes. We should always trust the leadership of the Holy Spirit in our lives. This is essential to right worship.

            To my First Baptist Church of Slaton family, I thank you for the opportunity of ministering in Romania. I hope more opportunities like this arise but not only for me, for you as well. I encourage you to pray about how the Lord desires to use you on a global scale. Seek him, and let his will be done. Pastor Sabin’s biggest need right now is prayer, but second to that is financial support. Pray about how the Lord desires to use you in his kingdom work around the world, perhaps in Romania. Again I thank you. The ministry in Romania was fruitful, and God is at work in Sighisoara. Here is a summary video with pictures and recordings.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Thoughts on Materialism

Thoughts on Materialism
            We are quickly approaching Black Friday, a day many look forward to with eagerness and yet a day many dread. The commotion of this particular day and the rush to begin it earlier and earlier each year to the point or now opening stores on Thanksgiving Day, a day really meant for family, speaks volumes to where our culture is. In one word, we are materialistic. Our society is perhaps the most materialistic to ever exist. We are consumers to our very core. How then should Christians respond to this norm? I have a few thoughts on the very subject of materialism.
1.      Material possessions in and of themselves are not wrong. Scripture does not ever say that material possessions or financial gains in and of themselves are wrong. We are told that it is difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven, but this does not mean money absolutely prevents the rich man from doing so. It simply means it is more difficult. There are two approaches here. 1) Many will take one extreme and argue that money is not wrong at all even to the point of writing off Jesus’ words. 2) Others will say that money is absolutely wrong and the cause of sin. Neither is true though. Does money make it difficult to honor God? Yes. Absolutely. No doubt at all, and to deny so is to deny the words of Christ. However, is money wrong in and of itself? No. Absolutely not, and to deny so is also to deny the words of Christ. The happy medium is to learn to honor God with what we have and be content in what he has given us. Don’t seek anything more and don’t make it a priority or point of focus. He takes care of his children. Material possessions and financial gains in and of themselves are not wrong.
2.      Materialism is sinful; it is idolatry. Materialism is a large focus and desire for money and/or material possessions. This is absolutely wrong. It is, in fact, idolatry, for in focusing on material possessions, we put manmade objects before God himself. Many write this off and make feeble attempts at lying to themselves, forcing themselves to believe that their materialism does not hinder their relationship with God. Sometimes we even pass it off on God. “Well, God has just blessed me.” The truth is that most of us passed blessed a long time ago, and we’re now spoiled, and with our lying tongue, we profess that these are just material possessions and mean nothing to us because God is priority in our lives while deep in our hearts, we know it isn’t true. Materialism is absolutely sin.
3.      Pride is at the root of materialism. Like any other sin, pride is at the root of materialism. It is us thinking we have the right to those things. We’ve worked hard for it right? I have a degree that demands a lot of money so I deserve it. This is pride whether we admit it or not, and God is not honored in it. We even do this in the church. We look for the brightest and best stars from our seminaries to “lead us in the way of truth.” Who has a PhD, and who is the most well-trained? This should be irrelevant. Training is good, but when we seek worldly things and credentials above the will of God, it is wrong. Pride is at the very root of materialism. The truth is that we deserve nothing no matter what education we have, how much money we have, how much money our family has, our lifestyle growing up, and our standing in our communities. If we do not cut pride out of our lives, materialism will only grow.
4.      Materialism is not wise. Even apart from the biblical principles here, materialism is just not wise. How often do we see materialism succeed? It is rare, and the truth is that even when it seems materialism succeeds, there is an ugly underbrush we likely do not see. This is why CEOs of fortune 500 companies commit suicide, rich people go into large amounts of debt, and businesses get into legal trouble for unethical violations. Materialism will cause our character to greatly diminish. It is just not wise.

While material possessions are not wrong in and of themselves, materialism certainly is, and we as Christians should be very cautious of the pride in our lives that could easily lead to a materialistic lifestyle and attitude. We are called to honor God and to serve him alone no matter what the cost. As a minister of the gospel, I constantly remind myself that ministry is done with no thought of return. While we are not perfect, God is, and when he cuts pride out of our lives, his perfection can be revealed in a magnificent way. Let’s strive for humility, not materialism.

What Is Gospel Persecution?

What Is Gospel Persecution
            There has been a lot of uproar over Starbucks changing their cups. To be honest, it is just a red cup so why get in a big fuss about it? Of course, I suppose I am now one of the crazy ones who is blogging about it. I posed a question yesterday though. What is going to happen when Christians truly face persecution? Will we remember this ridiculous moment many referred to coffee cups as religious persecution? I would like to focus my time on Christian persecution though. Certainly religious persecution exists in our world, perhaps to an even greater degree than most Americans realize. However, a day is coming when the global Christian community will truly be persecuted. In fact, it is already happening and will only increase. Take joy in this though because it is suffering that marks us as Christians. In considering this, I would like to examine what gospel persecution is. I have a few things I believe gospel persecution is.
1.      Gospel persecution is for the sake of Christ. We are called to share in the sufferings of Christ. Therefore, gospel persecution is for his sake, not our own. We do not go out seeking to be persecuted, but it naturally comes as we live for and honor Christ. It is for his sake.
2.      Gospel persecution is not because of our own stupidity. Do not mistake persecution for the sake of Christ with consequences of stupidity. I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not perfect and often face consequences of my stupidity. Gospel persecution is what we are called to though, not consequences of stupidity or sin. However, even in our consequences, there is a proper way to honor God, and through that calling, we may very well face persecution. Persecution is guaranteed for those who honor Christ.
3.      Gospel persecution is difficult. This might be a given, but there are those that would refer to some things as persecution that really isn’t. “Oh, someone made fun of me the other day because I’m a Christian.” Really? That’s persecution? No, persecution is truly difficult. I do not belittle the smaller items of persecution, but the more we honor Christ, the more difficult persecution will likely become. If we are not facing any persecution at all or if persecution in our lives is not increasing, we may want to ask ourselves if we are honoring God with our lives. Take joy in the difficulties of persecution because that is evidence of Christ’s work in your life.
4.      Gospel persecution is honorable. The bible honors those who are persecuted, particularly those who are martyred for the sake of Christ. We too must honor those who are persecuted. When God’s people are persecuted, the church as a family should honor her global members, pray for them, encourage them, and help them in any way possible. Certainly there are those persecuted that we will never know about, but we absolutely know they exist so let’s honor them.
5.      Gospel persecution is joyful. Yes, I said it. Persecution is joyful. How? Scripture says that Christ endured the cross for the joy set before him. The joyful part of persecution then is the glory and radiance of Christ. It far surpasses any trial we may face. When we have the joy of Christ, nothing can shake it. Knowing that our sufferings are for the sake of Christ should bring us great joy. Persecution is joyful.
These are the thoughts I have on gospel persecution. Let’s suffer well for the sake of Christ and for the glory of his name. It is an honor to be persecuted for him.

Monday, November 9, 2015

How Christians Should View Socialism

How Christians Should View Socialism
            Bernie Sanders has certainly taken the country by surprise during this election cycle. He is a self-professed socialist and makes no apologies for it. Seeing the rise of socialist views in our country, many Christians often criticize it as ungodly or sinful. This has caused me to consider how Christians ought to think about and view socialism. In doing so, I have a few things to point out.
1. Socialism is not sin in and of itself. In fact, the Bible does not advocate for any particular form of government. This means that it is not explicitly forbidden in scripture. Saying that socialism is fundamentally sinful is like saying that drinking alcohol is also fundamentally sinful. Neither one is prohibited in scripture.
2. Socialism lies on the negative side of history. There have been numerous socialist governments in our world’s history and still are some. Most of them have seen a terrible demise. When people make large decisions, they often look to history to see how things have previously turned out for something similar. If this is the case, why aren’t people doing this with socialism as well? It has not worked very well.
    3. Christians can get along with socialists. Again socialism is not explicitly prohibited, but there are biblical principles that seem to point in another direction. However, simply because someone is a socialist does not mean they are an idiot or not worthy to love and respect. We are called to love and respect everyone no matter what their views may be.
    4. Christians have a responsibility to be involved in the political process. This does not necessarily mean running for office, but it could. All believers have a responsibility to be involved though so if socialism seems like a bad idea, believers should stand up for what is right and logically and thoughtfully present their argument. While socialism is likely not a good idea, how can we convince others that it is not good? This is a responsibility we have.
We are called to live in this world. This world is not our home, and it is not our final resting place. Therefore, although we are involved in the workings of this world, we are not part of it. The things we fight for the most are the things most important to us. If that is whether or not to be a socialist country, that is what is most important to you. Consider this though: is it worth it? God seeks justice in the world, and if socialism isn’t a threat to justice, we should be making a bigger deal out of other things rather than socialism. I will openly tell people that I disagree with socialism, but it is because of my belief in limited government, not because it is explicitly forbidden in scripture (it is not). In matters like these, we must tread carefully and seek to glorify God in our arguments and our stances. If it will ruin others’ perception of you as a follower of Christ, it is not worth it and you should stay out of it. His glory has precedent over everything. This is the grid through which we should see everything including politics.

Mark 12:41-44: The Widow's Offering: Two Essentials of Right Worship

Here is a new article I've written regarding right worship and two (of many) essentials. These two are specifically taken from the story of the poor widow and her offering to God.

Monday, November 2, 2015

New Collaborative Blog, The Worship Event

I have begun a new collaborative effort for worship leaders and worshipers alike. It will be a resource for us to help each other in achieving right worship. It is called The Worship Event. Check it out here.

Isaiah 25:6-9: Perseverance in Waiting for the Lord: Beholding Our God

Isaiah 25:6-9: Perseverance in Waiting for the Lord: Beholding Our God
            Isaiah was prophet to Judah during the reign of serval kings including King Uziah, whom he had a deep gratitude and affection for. With so much rich theology and detail contained in the book of Isaiah, I have selected three verses from chapter 25 that speak volumes about the particular issue of God’s people persevering, particularly in times when it may seem that God is far-removed from our lives. On that note, trust me; he is never absent from our lives as his people. He is always in control. Throughout the prophets, we often see a cycle occurring: 1) God’s blessing, 2) rebellion of God’s people, 3) God’s judgment on his people, and 4) salvation of God’s people. One might think that God’s people learn the first time, but the fact is that cycle continues even today. I am thankful we serve a God of not only a second chance but of another chance. Without his mercy and discipline, we would be hopeless. Chapter 25 of Isaiah deals with the salvation part of the cycle, specifically the beginnings of it. It is a word of encouragement for God’s people to persevere and continue despite the difficulties, which the people of Israel brought on themselves. We often do that though. We bring God’s discipline on ourselves, and rest assured that he disciplines us because he loves us. Isaiah has just prophesied God’s judgment so now he is dealing with Judah’s salvation, and while this text regards Judah’s salvation, it is certainly relevant to us today in that it looks forward to the salvation of God’s people, his bride, the church (not just Judah), for we will all one day be present with him at his wedding feast. We can live with this assurance and hope as his bride. For us to keep this in mind, we must realize four particular imperatives that are absolutely necessary for the ultimate and eternal salvation of God’s people.
Isaiah 25:6-9 English Standard Version (ESV)

On this mountain the Lord of hosts will make for all peoples
    a feast of rich food, a feast of well-aged wine,
    of rich food full of marrow, of aged wine well refined.
And he will swallow up on this mountain
    the covering that is cast over all peoples,
    the veil that is spread over all nations.
    He will swallow up death forever;
and the Lord God will wipe away tears from all faces,
    and the reproach of his people he will take away from all the earth,
    for the Lord has spoken.
It will be said on that day,
    “Behold, this is our God; we have waited for him, that he might save us.
    This is the Lord; we have waited for him;
    let us be glad and rejoice in his salvation.”

The Bride of Christ, the Church, Will Persevere (v. 6)
            It is not a question of if the bride of Christ will persevere; it is a guarantee. The only people who do not ultimately persevere are those who are not his in the first place. God’s people will persevere, endure, and eventually reign with him eternally. Verse 6 says that on this mountain, the Lord will prepare a feast. The mountain spoken of here is Zion. Zion was originally a designation for a literal hill in Jerusalem, but it came to be a synonym for all of Jerusalem. Applying it to our context, the New Jerusalem is heaven on earth as represented in the book of Revelation. It is the New Jerusalem in which God reigns on high. This feast, which is described in incredible splendor here, is the feast of Christ and his bride, the church. All of God’s people will be a part of this feast. No matter what we go through on this earth, this feast is our ultimate destination. God’s people then are guaranteed to persevere. Just like Judah, there are times when our lives may seem hopeless and meaningless. It is not though. Have faith; have courage; be full of joy, for God’s people persevere.
The Eyes of God’s People Will Be Opened (v. 7)
            In realizing that there is perseverance in waiting in the Lord (not merely waiting on him), we must acknowledge that we do not have any authority and that we cannot see the full picture right now. God can though. The Apostle Paul said in 1 Corinthians 13:12 that we see in a mirror dimly but a day is coming when we will see fully. We do not know what God, in his sovereignty and omniscience, is preparing for us. Verse 7 says that God will swallow up the covering over his people. There is a unique aspect to this verse though, for it is applied to the nations. The veil that is covering all nations will be removed, and one day we will worship him as every tribe, tongue, and nation. Our eyes will be opened, and we will behold him in his glory and splendor and worship him like never before. This day is coming, and it is coming for those who wait in the hope of the Lord.
God’s People Will Live in Joy and Peace with Him Forever (v. 8)
            Verse 8 begins with a humbling and encouraging word that we should note. Death will be swallowed up forever, and the tears of God’s people will be wiped away. This will be a great day. God’s people will not only live with him forever but will live in joy and peace with him forever. Christ is joy, but apart from him is despair. We will be with him so we will live in peace and joy. Keep in mind that this earth is temporary; reigning with Christ is eternal. Yet so often believers live this life as if it is the end. It is, however, only the beginning of something wonderful to come. Let us live in the joy and peace of Christ in this life as we eagerly expect his return.
The Ultimate Destination Comes Only in Waiting (v. 9)
            In verse 9, the prophet, Isaiah, says that on that day we will say, “Behold, this is our God; we have waited for him, that he might save us.” Our ultimate destination of being with Christ forever only comes in waiting but not just waiting alone, waiting in him. The secret to waiting patiently is waiting in Christ. In other words, we wait with a hope and expectation that comes only in knowing Christ. It is then only after that when we will rejoice in his salvation. We must consider in our daily lives what waiting encompasses for us. For some, waiting on a daily basis requires great pain and struggle. For others, it may require sacrifice or anonymity in our relationships. Whatever the case, we must wait in the strength of the Lord, for if we do not, we will not reach our destination. God’s people persevere. Count that as hope. Wait on him, and say with the Apostle Paul that the trials of this life do not compare to the glory we have in Christ Jesus.

            God’s people persevere. It really isn’t a secret. It is truth. Often, however, we live as defeated people. When we behold God and his goodness, we have no choice but to persevere and wait in him. We wait in him, not merely on him. These imperatives are so difficult to remember in times of trial, our fault or not. God is on our side; he is for us. Therefore, our hope is in him, and it is through beholding him and waiting in him that we persevere.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Hebrews 7:23-28: Our Great High Priest

Hebrews 7:23-28: Our Great High Priest
            The entirety of the book of Hebrews is filled with thematic material related to Christ’s superiority as the Great High Priest fulfilling a new and better covenant. In such a manner, we, his people, are to live with a hope and expectation that the New Covenant is better and that Christ alone is all powerful to save and satisfy. A few verses in chapter 7, namely verses 23-28, continue to support the fact that Christ is now the High Priest and that his saving power is better than anything that has ever and will ever be. There are two magnificent aspects to Christ’s authority as High Priest, two relevant factors that we must consider: 1) he is High Priest in power and 2) he is High Priest in position. These two imperatives alone should give believers the assurance that his saving power and grace is enough for even the lowest of sinners, and believing these two facts should affect the way we live our lives, for all is not hopeless and all is not lost; we now have the assurance of the Great High Priest.
Hebrews 7:23-28 ESV

23 The former priests were many in number, because they were prevented by death from continuing in office, 24 but he holds his priesthood permanently, because he continues forever. 25 Consequently, he is able to save to the uttermost2  those who draw near to God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them.

 26 For it was indeed fitting that we should have such a high priest, holy, innocent, unstained, separated from sinners, and exalted above the heavens. 27 He has no need, like those high priests, to offer sacrifices daily, first for his own sins and then for those of the people, since he did this once for all when he offered up himself. 28 For the law appoints men in their weakness as high priests, but the word of the oath, which came later than the law, appoints a Son who has been made perfect forever.

High Priest in Power (vv. 23-25)
            Verses 23-25 relate to Christ as High Priest in the power he holds as the divine Son of God. He is unlike any priest before him. He is not only a priest but the High Priest because of his power, vastly disparate from any man. Being that he was God himself but became a man and lived a perfect life, his priesthood far exceeds that of mankind, and now he intercedes on our behalf.
He Is Not Prevented by Death (vv. 23-24)
            Christ is different and better because, unlike former priests, he is not prevented by death. He died once and for all, but he now lives. We serve a risen savior, which should be explicitly expressed in our lives and actions. Not only is he unlike former priests, but he is unlike any person, leader, manmade god, or ruler that has ever or will ever live. He is God in human-form, and death could not hold him down. He is alive. Name the authority figure in any of history, and someone can or eventually will be able to tell you when they died. We can do the same for Christ Jesus, but the difference is that there is no one else we can point to that lives again. Christ does, and because of this, he is the better way for mankind.
He Is Able to Save Anyone (v. 25)
            Christ’s death on the cross was not the end; in fact, it was only the beginning of the New Covenant, which was fulfilled when he rose again. In that resurrection, the sin of man was without a fight. It has been conquered. We are told, in verse 25, that Christ is able to save the uttermost. The Greek word here for “uttermost” implies the most radically depraved person. Christ’s saving power goes deeper than anything we could ever imagine. No one is beyond hope with Christ. The Old Covenant could not do this; only Jesus Christ in his death and resurrection could, and now he intercedes on our behalf. He is our mediator, as chapter 8 says. Before Christ we were lost and hopeless; with Christ, we are saved, fulfilled, and being made as new creations for his glory, and this applies to anyone who trusts in and confesses him. This should humble us. This should cause us to seek the lost and preach the good news of the gospel of Christ. Do we really believe that he can save anyone? Often it does not seem so. He has made a better way.
High Priest in Position (vv. 26-28)
            Jesus Christ is not only High Priest in power but also in position according to verses 26-28. It is one thing to have the power of High Priest, but God has made him to be our Great High Priest in an irreversible manner. Because of his divine nature, he is High Priest in position.
He Is Set apart (v. 26)
            Verse 26 refers to Jesus Christ as “holy, innocent, unstained, separated from sinners, and exalted above the heavens.” He is set apart. There is no one that could ever be referred to as this, only Jesus Christ. This places him in a position higher than any other priestly position. While former priests could have been considered by many to be good people (although no one is good by nature) and of noble character, none of them were ever holy or unstained. “Christ’s divine and holy character is proof of the superiority of his priesthood.”[1] He is set apart from everything, placing him in a higher position.
He Does Not Need Us; We Need Him (v. 27)
            Forgiveness under the Old Covenant was a two-part process: 1) the priests had to offer animal sacrifices to God for their own sins, and 2) then they had to offer animals sacrifices to God for the sins of their people. Ultimately it would not have mattered how many animals were sacrificed; the Old Covenant could not continue to work, which is why Christ died once and for all. He was sinless so he did not have to offer a sacrifice on his own behalf but only on ours. In other words, he has no need for us (never has and never will), but we certainly have an extreme need for him, for we are radically depraved. This is yet another aspect that places him in a unique position as High Priest.

He Is Perfect (v. 28)
            It has been mentioned several times already, but likely the most crucial item making Jesus High Priest in position is the fact that he is perfect. Under the Old Covenant, the Law appointed men as priests, men who were sinful by nature. Under the New Covenant, however, Jesus Christ has been appointed as High Priest, and he is perfect forever. He does not need continuous sacrifices for forgiveness of his sins because he is sinless. In his lack of sin, he died for our sin and literally became our sin on the cross, making it null and void. His death was the price paid, and now he stands as the Great High Priest in position because he is perfect and blameless, unlike anyone else.
            We are the recipients of salvation under the New Covenant. We have been justified by faith alone in Jesus Christ, our High Priest who is High Priest in both power and in position. How does this affect our lives though? Do we live as people of the New Covenant, or do we continue to live hopeless lives by making excuses for our sin and not with the realization that sin and death have been crushed under the feet of Jesus through his death and resurrection? We have a Great High Priest. Our lives should reflect this amazing mystery as people of the New Covenant.

[1] ESV MacArthur Study Bible Hebrews 7 footnote.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

2 Timothy 2:1-13: A Good Soldier of the Lord

2 Timothy 2:1-13: A Good Soldier of the Lord

            Among many images the Apostle Paul gives to describe believers, he refers to us in scripture as soldiers of Christ Jesus. This is a vivid image to compare followers of Christ to, for we often think of soldiers as fighters, and this is certainly one function of a soldier. In Paul’s second letter to young Timothy, he finds himself imprisoned under Nero’s reign, and unlike his former confidence of being released, he does not present this hope in this particular letter. In fact, during this imprisonment, Paul was eventually martyred for his faith in Christ. It seems that Paul perhaps faced a concern that Timothy was in danger of weakening spiritually, a grave concern since he trusted Timothy to continue his ministry. Paul was Timothy’s mentor. We all have people in our lives who have helped us in so many respects and entrust us to continue their legacy. This was Paul to Timothy. Paul found it necessary then to encourage Timothy and spur him on in his faith.[1] For this reason, Paul refers to followers of Christ as soldiers or warriors if you will. It might not seem like the harshness of military drills could encourage someone, but the hard work eventually pays off if the soldier is willing to stick to the plan. My dad used to work with me daily on pitching when I played baseball, and although some days my arm felt like it was going to fall off, the hard work paid off when it came time for the game. Being a good soldier of the Lord requires hard work and perseverance. This is an aspect of our faith that we often hear and discuss, but very rarely do we allow this truth to penetrate our hearts and lives and cause us to live in such a manner. We do not like to think of the Christian faith as something we must fight through or toil with. We would prefer it to be happy-go-lucky, but the fact is that living an authentic Christian faith is difficult and often requires sacrifice and obedience in ways that we cannot comprehend and don’t make sense and in ways that are perhaps excruciatingly difficult. In this letter to Timothy, Paul is encouraging him to live a life as a worthy soldier of Jesus Christ. In the same way, we are called to live as worthy soldiers of the Christ, as good soldiers of the Lord. How does one do this? We know the commands of scripture; we know what we are called to do; so how then do we do it? What is the foundation upon which a good soldier must be built? Paul gives this prescription in 2 Timothy 2:1-13, and there are three imperatives that we must realize and internalize about a good soldier of the Lord.

2 Timothy 2:1-13 English Standard Version (ESV)

A Good Soldier of Christ Jesus

You then, my child, be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus,and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men[a] who will be able to teach others also. Share in suffering as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. No soldier gets entangled in civilian pursuits, since his aim is to please the one who enlisted him. An athlete is not crowned unless he competes according to the rules. It is the hard-working farmer who ought to have the first share of the crops. Think over what I say, for the Lord will give you understanding in everything.

Remember Jesus Christ, risen from the dead, the offspring of David, as preached in my gospel, for which I am suffering, bound with chains as a criminal. But the word of God is not bound! 10 Therefore I endure everything for the sake of the elect, that they also may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory. 11 The saying is trustworthy, for:

If we have died with him, we will also live with him;
12 if we endure, we will also reign with him;
if we deny him, he also will deny us;
13 if we are faithless, he remains faithful—
for he cannot deny himself.

A Good Soldier Suffers for His Enlister (vv. 1-7)

            Paul writes this letter in the midst of suffering so it is appropriate that he focuses largely on the suffering of a soldier of the Lord. The mark of a Christian is not prosperity but suffering. This is contrary to the message of many churches today. Paul says, in verse 3, to share in suffering as a good soldier of Christ. We are to follow Christ to the ultimate suffering if necessary. In other words, if we are not willing to lay down our lives for his sake, we are not good soldiers. Often we associate being a soldier of the Lord with being a witness for the Lord. The Greek word for witness means martyr. This is what the early church understood about following Christ. It was not taken lightly. How many people in our country would still claim to be Christians if they knew that following Christ meant losing their lives? We might have a lot of empty pews. The acid test of following Christ is now how well we prosper but how well we suffer, and we suffer well in knowing that what we do is for his sake, not our own.

            Paul clarifies this though by making sure that our suffering is done for the sake of Christ. If we suffer because of our own stupidity, that is not being a good soldier. There is a godly way to deal with our own mistakes, but this is not the suffering Paul is speaking of here. He is speaking of suffering on behalf of Christ. Verse 4 tells us that a good soldier does not entangle himself in civilian pursuits but instead aims to please the one who enlisted him. In other words, Christ is our focus and our prize and nothing else. When our focus is taken off Christ and placed on worldly pursuits, we entangle ourselves in civilian pursuits. The battle is constant, and we cannot waver. What does this mean for us on a daily basis? This means that we make every decision based on the glory and honor of God, which may involve difficult actions. It could mean losing a job because of a stand for Christ. It could mean ridicule from those who do not understand the gospel. It could mean following God into something that does not make any sense to the world. When did following God become about making sense? When did it ever make sense in the Bible? Look at the examples we have. Abraham, go to a land I will show you. He had no idea where that was. Moses, lead an entire nation out of slavery against an Egyptian army. David, kill a giant with a sling and a stone. This is not to say that something is God’s will if it does not make sense, but these things did not make sense. We should not write something off simply because our human logic cannot fathom it. Being a soldier of Christ requires trusting him and following him wherever he leads. As the scripture says, an athlete must compete according to the rules and it is the hard-working farmer who reaps a harvest. God sets the rules, and following him requires hard work and endurance, particularly in times of difficulty. We are assured, in verse 7, that the Lord will give us understanding. We are not asked to understand but to trust because the understanding itself will not come from our own minds but instead from God. We are called to focus on and trust our enlister, namely Jesus Christ, and we are called to suffer for his sake. This is the mark of a good soldier.

A Good Soldier Remembers the Goal (vv. 8-10)

            We must also realize that a good soldier remembers the goal. The goal and prize in our lives is Jesus Christ. Romans 8:29 says that the purpose of our salvation is to be conformed into the image of Christ. Heaven is not the ultimate prize. Often we make the mistake of telling unbelievers that heaven is the goal when the reality is that our goal is becoming like Christ, and throughout the Christian life, we are being transformed into his image. Paul says, in 2 Corinthians 3:18, that we are being transformed from one degree of glory to another. I refer to this as progressive sanctification. Christ is the goal, and a good soldier remembers not only that this is the goal but remembers Christ and who he is period. If we see Christ for who he is, we will be changed. Paul says, in verse 8, to remember Jesus Christ. He does not say to remember what he has done, although this is absolutely crucial as well; he says to remember Jesus Christ. Here the Greek word for remember is active and implies continuation. In other words, we are not only to remember Christ but to keep on remembering him. He must be at the forefront of everything we do in a daily basis. He should not be number one on our priority list, but he must literally be our priority list. He must be the purpose and foundation of our work, school, family, relationships, and even our leisure activities. A good soldier remembers the goal; our goal is Jesus Christ. If we do not remember Jesus Christ, we will cave under pressure when trials come. Basing our lives on anything else such as education, financial stability, government, retirement, etc. will ultimately fail us. Paul was suffering when he wrote this to Timothy; yet he was encouraged and strong in his faith because he remembered Jesus Christ. He says, in verse 10, that he endures everything for the sake of the elect that they may obtain the salvation in Jesus Christ. When we remember Christ, we suffer well and are, therefore, good soldiers. This has a profound impact on the lives of those who do not yet know Christ. God uses our suffering to bring others to him. This is why our foundation must be Christ and Christ alone. The reformers often spoke of solus Christus or Christ alone. He alone must be our foundation. Anything else will fail. It is not a matter of if but when. A good soldier remembers the goal, namely Jesus Christ.

            I am not a very good golfer, but I enjoy playing at times. One thing I am certain of is that when I swing the club, if I do not keep my eye focused on the ball, I am very likely to miss-hit it or not hit it at all. My eye must remain fixed on the ball and my head steady. Even though the rest of my body may move, my head must remain directly focused on the goal. If I turn it in any direction, my chances of striking effectively are weakened significantly. In the same manner, if we remove our focus from the goal of Jesus Christ, we cannot be effective soldiers for his glory. Our eyes must be fixed on him at every moment of our lives, and we must never waver from that.

A Good Soldier Remains Faithful (vv. 11-13)

            Once our foundation is built upon Christ, we must follow through and remain faithful. A good soldier remains faithful and does not waver when the test comes. Paul encourages us by pointing out that death is not the end for those in Christ, for if we die with him, we will also live with him and if we endure, we will also reign with him. Philippians 1:21 tells us that to live is Christ and to die is gain. This is backwards from what the world tells us. Again following Christ does not make sense except in the economy of God, not the world. If we are dead to this world and all its pleasures and profits, we will forever receive and eternal blessing with Christ. If we are faithful, we will ultimately persevere. However, if we deny Christ, he will deny us, according to verse 12. Paul then says, in verse 13, that if we are faithless, he remains faithful. The faithlessness spoken of here is referring to a lack of saving faith, not to weak or struggling faith. Unbelievers will ultimately deny Christ, and “as faithful as Jesus is to save those who believe in him, he is equally faithful to judge those who do not. To act any other way would be inconsistent with his holy, unchangeable nature.”[2] This is why it is crucial for us as the church to live as good soldiers of the Lord, allowing God to work in and through us in bringing the lost to him. Our battle is not against the lost but for Christ to make himself known to them through us. Yes, we will face difficulties. If we are not facing difficulties, something is wrong; all believers are guaranteed to face trials. Yes, we will have to fight and struggles and toil. Is it worth it though? Absolutely because it is not for us but for a greater cause. We are living for something bigger than ourselves, and his name is Jesus Christ whom we must remember and serve as faithful soldiers. A good soldier remains faithful no matter how difficult the road is. Remain faithful, and remember his glory.

            My dog is faithful to me. It could easily be seen as a very unhealthy relationship. Yes, I love my dog very much, but her love for me is what is amazing. In fact, I often think that God desires our hearts toward him to be what a dog’s is toward us. My dog lives to please me. Every waking moment for her is to make sure she knows I am loved by her. Someone else could offer her the entire world, and she would not care because she is faithful to me. She doesn’t care what kind of house I live in, how much money I make, or what kind of car I drive as long as I come home to her every day and give her a little affection. We must be faithful to God no matter what the world offers us or does to us, no matter how difficult things get, and no matter what the cost. Being a good soldier of the Lord requires faithfulness.


            We have seen three imperatives of a good soldier: 1) suffering for the glory of God, 2) remembering the goal in Christ Jesus, and 3) remaining faithful. We must each ask ourselves if we fit this description of a good soldier. If not, we must ask the Lord himself to work in our hearts and lives in making us more like him and in making us good sufferers, people who remember him and run with steadfastness toward the prize in him, and people who remain faithful to his cause. As the hymn says, “I’d rather have Jesus than silver or gold…I’d rather be faithful to his dear cause.” When that is our heart’s cry, then and only then will we be good soldiers of the Lord.

[1] 2 Timothy 1:6.
[2] MacArthur Study Bible ESV note on v. 13.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Fun in Austin

I had a great time in the Austin area this week with Christina Delgado. We went swimming in the San Marcos River, saw the state capital, ate some amazing gourmet Ramen noodles, and met up with some old friends and mentors. Here are some great pictures from the trip.