Saturday, January 27, 2018


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            As a minister of the gospel, it has often been asked to me, “How do you hear from God?” or “How does God speak?” Serving an invisible God, it may certainly seem challenging to hear from him or even more to know if what we are hearing is him at all. If there were a cut and dry answer, I’m sure these types of questions would cease to be asked. Yet there is not. We must sift through the myriad of distractions and messages coming at us from all directions and recognize the truth that God definitely speaks to his people. How do we do this? I have some practical suggestions, but beyond that, I would like to discuss ways we can know God is speaking to us. Ultimately, it is up to us individually to make that determination. Nonetheless, being mindful of certain things regarding God speaking will greatly aid in our ability to perceive God’s voice to us both individually and corporately.

The Bible

            I think the most obvious way in which God speaks to us is through the Bible. Bear in mind that the word spoken of in Scripture is Jesus Christ, not only the text of the Bible, i.e. the Bible is the word because it centers around the person and work of Jesus; Jesus is superior to the Bible because he indeed is the very one who spoke it. For that reason, we can trust Scripture. We can trust it and rely on it. If Jesus is right, then the Bible is right. When discerning whether God is speaking, we should be ever-cognizant of the fact that when God speaks, he never contradicts his word, e.g. he will not tell a spouse to abandon their marriage. That is not to say that there are no grey areas. Undoubtedly, there are times when interpretation comes into play. The Bible, nevertheless, should be the primary tool used for God to speak to us. In fact, I would suggest that the Bible should be the first place we turn to hear God speak. Rest assured also that when we read the text of Scripture, God speaks each time. The question then is whether we are listening and willing to obey. God speaks through the Bible.


            In addition to the Bible is prayer. God speaks through prayer on both a personal and a corporate basis. Prayer is the channel through which God communicates with his people. Where the Bible is God speaking to us, prayer involves us also speaking to him. It is not giving him a list of wants but rather dialoging with the Father through the mediation of Jesus Christ and in the power of the Holy Spirit. Sometimes we may not know what to pray; that is where the Spirit’s guidance is vital. More than a mere feeling, God speaks to us in a still small voice as he did to Elijah in 1 Kings 19. The question again then is whether we are listening and willing to obey. Additionally, as already mentioned, God’s messages to us in prayer will never contradict his already and forever written word, namely the Bible, which will stand forever.

Your Brain

            Beyond the Bible and prayer, there exists some ambiguity. When we measure the means through which God is speaking against Scripture though, the ambiguity becomes clarity. God gave us brains to use and to discern what he is saying. Not to take faith out of the equation, there are times when logic is involved. We must be careful with the fine line here though, for often, faith begins where logic ends. Our brains should never override Scripture or faith. Furthermore, we should never forget that God often calls us to do what may seem (to the faithless) irrational. This is proven in the abundance of times he did so in Scripture. Our brain, however, is a tool and a tool that should be used for the glory of God. If we have an idea that does not contradict Scripture, it could very well be from God. Use your brain; think through issues; and make the best decision.

Your Desire

            Psalm 37:4 says to delight in the Lord and he will give you the desire of your heart. This might be easily misunderstood to mean that he will give you what you want. It is simpler than that though. Upon the foundational step of finding all delight and satisfaction in God, we soon discover that nothing else matters. Therefore, what he wants becomes our desire. The psalmist then intends to point out that God places the desire itself in your heart. If you seek God and if he is your sole delight, your desires are placed within you for a reason; don’t neglect them. It could be that God is speaking to you through the desires he has placed within you. What we must know with certainty then is whether our complete delight and trust is in God.

Unexplainable Peace

            Paul tells the Philippians, “. . . the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus” (Phil 4:7). The leadership of God is not something we must try to achieve; it is a perpetual fact, i.e. he continuously leads us whether we realize it or not. Disobedience does not happen because God is not leading. He is leading, but we choose to disobey. The peace of Christ, similarly, continuously guards our hearts and minds. It moves beyond human understanding because it is not from human logic; it is rather from God. The peace of God then is often cannot be explained. One can possess the peace of God even in the most tumultuous situation. The peace of God exists always. We, his people, have it, but do we allow ourselves to be governed by it? We are not promised ease; in fact, we are promised quite the opposite. Yet, God’s peace exists still. It is unexplainable, but when we allow ourselves to be moved and controlled by God’s peace, we hear God in no uncertain terms. More than a feeling, the peace of God grants us certainty in uncertain times. God speaks through his unexplainable peace.

Recurring Thoughts, Ideas, and Dreams

            Finally, God continues to grant recurring thoughts, ideas, and dreams. Nowhere in Scripture are we told that God has ceased speaking to people in these manners. While they might be rare (as they were in the Bible as well), God still speaks through these mechanisms. I have built a foundation upon which God speaks here beginning with the Bible and prayer. Going back to the Bible, when God speaks through thoughts, ideas, and dreams, they will not contradict the text of Scripture. If your delight is in the Lord, the thoughts and ideas you have, like desires, could be from God so don’t disregard them. God places these items in our minds for a purpose.

God’s Messages are Often Personal So You Must Determine What to Do with Them

            I’ve given some practical ways God speaks to us. The truth is, however, that we must each discern whether God is speaking to us. It is not said often, but sometimes God gives us choices, and one or the other is not wrong; either choice could be fine. The determination must be made by us. God speaks to his people individually and corporately. It is typical to have to discern whether God is speaking to us. God is speaking; the question then is whether we are listening and prepared and willing to hear and obey.