Wednesday, December 25, 2019


In Genesis 3:15, God told the serpent that enmity would be between him and the woman and that her offspring would crush his head. From then, God's unique, sole, and unwavering plan was set in motion: the plan of Messiah. Sin infected humanity through Adam. Fourteen generations from Adam to Abraham, fourteen from Abraham to David, fourteen from David to Israel’s exile, and fourteen from exile to Jesus would pass, all while Satan tried to thwart the plan but perpetually failed. Today, Christians around the globe remember, celebrate, and live in the reality of Messiah’s birth. No bi-polarity but truly God and truly human, perfection took the consequence of total, absolute, and unavoidable imperfection. The one who created Mary and Joseph would be raised by them. He was born for the purpose of a humble and terrible death on behalf of his people. Let us, now part of his story and adopted into his family, rejoice this Christmastide, for Christ has come and will return for his own!