Saturday, June 1, 2013


It always amazed me that people who believe government should be limited (of which I most definitely include myself) also want more government in certain aspects of their lives. For example, the very people who want limited government in their lives in areas such as taxes, religious freedom, etc. also want more FCC regulations for television and movies so that their children are protected from seeing the evil effects of our culture. While I understand this logic, keep in mind that we cannot have it both ways. It is first and foremost a parent’s responsibility to protect their children, but we cannot and should not do this through government. Government should be limited period. This means that not only should they keep out of our personal lives in areas such as taxes, religion, politics, family matters, etc., but they should also keep out of the private sector and exclude themselves from setting regulations for private sector areas such as television and movies. The government’s only responsibility according to the Constitution (as well as the Bible) should be protection from physical danger. This means that government should stay out of our business. In a feeble attempt to reveal one’s conservative values, many people want it both ways: limited government in certain areas and more government in other areas. Keep in mind, however, that the more reliance on government we have, the more our freedoms are limited, and with every law created, a freedom is lost so which is it: more government or less?