Saturday, June 15, 2013


There is a lot going on in our country right now that specifically threatens our freedom and liberty. Whether people want to admit it or not, it is fact, and it is thanks to the current and previous executive administrations. While there is no such thing as a perfect politician (a given with the state of politics today), we, the people, have the right and responsibility to change the direction of our country when things look dim. That moment was yesterday. I cannot overstate the importance of the state our nation is in. Freedoms are being lost on a daily basis. The most recent evidence of this may be found in government spying without cause on Americans, the IRS scandals, and the AP spying scandals. To me, it is not ironic that these three scandals came to light at the same time because the fact of the matter is that they have been going on for quite a while. It was simply a matter of time before they came out. What is astonishing, however, is how much the government, the media, and even many of the American people have downplayed and justified these scandals. Make no mistake, however, that they are referred to by many people as scandals for a reason, and they should not be downplayed. This country is ours, and we should consider it as just that. We do not belong to the government, but in fact, government belongs to us. It is time that we, the people, take a stand for our freedom because (believe me) with the direction we are going, it will not be long before we are a full-blown police state.