Sunday, July 14, 2013


I have been pontificating on the subject of forgiveness lately. It is a touchy subject because I would dare say that we all have people in our lives who need forgiveness. The question then is this: are we to give it freely to all who need it? The answer most believers would give is yes, but I that correct. We are told multiple times in scripture to bear with one another and forgive as Christ has forgiven us. The issue, however, is that each time we are told this in the Bible, it is in relation to other people who have repented. When we consider forgiving as Christ forgives, we must keep in mind that Christ does not and will not forgive everyone but only those who have repented. Perhaps bearing with one another means that we are to be as patient as possible since we are all imperfect and that we are to readily offer forgiveness but that we do not give it until one repents. This would seem logical since we are to forgive as Christ forgives. He does not forgive everyone so neither should we unless compelled by God.