Friday, October 11, 2013


            What does the word, trust, mean to you? To me, it is an unwavering belief and reliance on someone or something. We are told many places in scripture to trust the Lord. The fact is that he is the only one worthy of our trust. For us to trust anyone else more is idolatry. Isaiah 26:4 is one such place that gives us the command to trust God, but even more than that, we are also given a reason for this command. There are two things we must observe from this scripture.
Isaiah 26:4

English Standard Version (ESV)

Trust in the Lord forever,
    for the Lord God is an everlasting rock.

Trust in the Lord Lasts Forever
            Trust in the Lord does not waver; nor does it end. The command here is to trust him forever.
We Trust Forever Because He Is Everlasting

            The reason we are to trust the Lord forever is because he is everlasting. The God of the universe, author of our salvation, our help at all times, and the rock we can rely on is everlasting. He will never end. For that reason, we are to trust him.